Sunday, March 22, 2009

The other woman: Stella!

When I first dated mark, I ran into stiff competition - Stella the siamese cat, with the prettiest sky blue eyes, no less! Tell me how I was able to compete with this ?!?!?!

Finally, after proving myself over and over again through many hissing incidents, rescuing her from multiple hairball attacks, and other freak accidents (accompanied by bloody scratches on my forearms), Stella has accepted me as a family member. We're totally cool now... see ? She kind of lets me lay down next to her!

Man Hong's Visit Thanksgiving 2008

Mark was scanning some negatives he finally developed (in the bathroom) from last year, and we thought we'd post the result as it's pertinent..

Man Hong (future brother-in-law) came to visit us in New York for Thanksgiving weekend, and we went to the sushi bar at Whole Foods. Mark and Man Hong showed them a thing or two... 

(Notice Man Hong didn't even stop eating for the picture.  Do they have any food at Johns Hopkins!?)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Engagement Brunch

We would like to thank everyone for coming to our engagement brunch at Perry St. today! We had an amazing time with all of you, along with the company of rasberry lychee bellinis and runny eggs!

Click here for photos of the brunch...

below are a few photos of us (ring included) ... just for Mark's parents ;)

- Frances and Mark

The plan so far...


Welcome to our blog, where we are going to inspire and interest you deeply in our plans for getting married to each other -- which is very much better, from our respective perspectives, than getting married to someone else.

So, we thought we'd give an update of what is going on where, when.

The upshot right now is that fresh off of our engagement brunch today, we are preparing to head to Hong Kong to visit Frances' family for a month. Mark is going to work at Morgan Stanley HK offices for 3 weeks, then take a week off and enjoy Hong Kong.

After that, Mark is coming back to NYC. Frances will be back in NYC shortly after for our friends' wedding (Vanessa & Duncan) and to visit the cat. Mark will then travel back to HK again in July for Frances's sister Carol's wedding.

That's the next few months as we know them.

All we know is that we're pretty excited to be heading to Hong Kong in a few days, and Mark is looking forward to conducting a serious investigation into gourmet congee.

-Mark and Frances